Go to your Domains page at https://app.deal.ai/domains
Click "+ Add Domain" to open the popup.
Enter your root domain: example.com or a subdomain: hello.example.com and click "Add Domain"
Click on "Instructions" on the newly added domain to see the cname or IP address you'll need to enter into your domain provider.
Once you've added the indicated value to your domain provider, head to your Funnels page at https://app.deal.ai/funnels
Click on the funnel you want to associate with your domain, and then click "Settings" in the upper-right to see the Funnel settings.
In the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain you just added and click "Save".
That's it! You can go back to the Steps view of your funnel, and now when you click on a step, you'll see the domain name in the url.
Once you've created a funnel, now comes time to show it to the world.
Written by Dave
Updated over 3 months ago